I spent the first 20 years of my adult life trying to find life’s purpose inside of a career.
I felt as though I was defined somehow by my occupation.
Maybe we’re all programmed that way- beginning as early as kindergarten.
At 6 years old we’re being asked “What are you going to be when you grow up?”
At that age I related success with a title that sounded important:
“He’s a Pilot. She’s a nurse. Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer.” It all sounded so… successful.
So, I began to ask myself, what am I going to be?
I wish I would have been smart enough to answer my kindergarten teacher by saying:
“When I grow up, I want to be happy.”
Instead of rattling off a list of exotic cars I wanted, it would have been great to respond by saying “I hope I grow up to be content.”
If I could travel back in time, I’d look that teacher square in the face and say “My goal in life is to be satisfied with the things I have and surrounded by the people I love.”
Instead, I think I just shrugged and said “an astronaut?”
Here I am, some 30 years later. And guess what- I’m not an astronaut.
I’ve always worked hard, put in long hours, but never earned a title that would impress anyone.
It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that we are not defined by our occupation.
I am a proud father, a husband and a believer.
I’m a son, a big brother and a long-winded storyteller.
I’m a home school teacher and a coach.
I’m a wannabe photographer, coffee drinker and a dog lover.
Oh, and I melt beeswax to make a living.
It’s taken me twenty years, but I finally realized that discovering who you were meant to be and understanding what you were created to do may not have anything to do with where you work.
Focus on the people and things that matter.
Be you. That’s important enough.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
If this was a help to you please consider sharing it with someone who may benefit from reading it.
To learn more about us and how we got here, Click THIS
wn (for a minute)
Am I the only one who thinks that life in 2019
(almost 2020) moves at a ridiculously fast pace?
It’s great in a lot of ways but sometimes it can be downright exhausting.
Between all the text messages, emails, DMs and phone calls we find ourselves in a continual dialogue with 20 or more people at a time.
If we’re not careful, it can turn us in to creatures that do nothing but orbit around a cell phone.
I’m as guilty as anyone. Probably worse than most.
So, I decided to do something about it.
I bought a leather sleeve (case) for my phone.
I’m making a conscious decision to put my phone
in this sleeve when I’m at work or with friends.
This means that my cell phone will no longer be
staring me in the face begging for attention.
I won’t see the notifications in my peripheral
and be tempted to break from conversation.
Some will say I could have accomplished this very same thing by putting the phone in a drawer
or my exercising more self control- they’re right.
But this sleeve will serve as a visual reminder to
my commitment.
Ask me how it’s going a week from now. We’ll see.
But, don’t text me- that would be weird.
Ask me in person. Or Facetime 🙂
To grab a sleeve for your phone, hit up my buddy Keegan at http://onestarleathergoods.com/
This past weekend we hosted a free boot cleaning at the Kittery Trading Post. It was a good time.
We met hundreds of new people.
We cleaned A LOT of boots. We had a blast.
But these events are always a little intimidating.
Crowds of people rushing by, seemingly uninterested, hurrying on to the next part of their day. It happens so fast. The eye contact alone makes some people uncomfortable.
You’ve got about 30 seconds to engage most people in conversation before they wander by without even noticing you. So, you’d better make that half a minute count.
In those brief moments you learn how to summarize everything about who you are and what you do in 3-5 sentences, tops.
You learn to share the most important parts of your story. This weekend, we were reminded that
WHAT you make is important.
But WHY you make it is even more important.
I must have told a hundred strangers the same thing yesterday:
“I was cleaning my boots one afternoon with a petroleum based leather conditioner when my wife read a warning label written on the jar- ‘POTENTIALLY FATAL IF INGESTED.'”
You could see the light come on in their eyes.
They got it.
We have a product that makes leather look new.
That’s exciting.
But the most important part of our story is that many alternatives in the marketplace come with a warning label on the jar and a phone number for how to reach the Poison Control Center.
Making people aware of the dangers in common, toxic household products will always be at the center of our mission. It’s our heartbeat.
So, for all you movers and shakers. You entrepreneurs, grinders and side-hustlers.
Don’t forget that WHAT you do is important.
But sharing WHY you do it is even more valuable.
To see a full list of our ingredients, Click HERE
To read the story of how we got here, Click THIS
At Career Day no child says:
“I want to make leather balm when I grow up.”
That would be weird.
Truth is; this whole thing happened on accident.
I was cleaning my boots with a toxic leather conditioner one day when Mandy picked up the jar and read it out loud:
“Caution potentially harmful or fatal if ingested.”
We threw that jar in the trash and made our own.
We made it using only 3 all natural ingredients.
Today, every tin is poured by hand in our home.
Sure, I would have rather been an astronaut.
But in some small way it feels like we’re making a difference. And that has made every step worthwhile.
I think many of the best moments in life are the ones that completely surprise us.
The things we never saw coming; Relationships, career changes, unexpected twists and turns.
These are the events that mold and shape us, changing the entire course of our lives.
I expect to look back on my life one day and find that these surprises were my favorite part of the journey.
To read the story of who we are and how we got here, Click THIS
To try our balm, click HERE
Happy Independence Day.
I’ve wrestled with this blog entry for weeks.
I’ve tried carefully to share my thoughts in love.
In a way that is neither offensive or defensive.
The Makers we’ve met over the last 8 months have rekindled our patriotism. They have increased the level of pride we take in our craft, and the amount of pride we have in our Country.
Today, we are proud to be American.
And we believe that’s okay.
It is NOT okay to think you’re better than someone else.
It is NOT okay to hate.
But we believe a heart can overflow with patriotism when you consider the qualities that have made our Nation great:
-A spirit of innovation
-A heart of compassion.
–A willingness to defend others.
–A commitment to freedom.
–A champion of equality.
Sadly, these qualities are not always on full display by all who call themselves American.
But when we do exercise these traits-
It is a beautiful thing.
And that is something worth taking pride in.
Happy Independence Day.
To read the story of who we are and how we got here, Click THIS
To try our balm, click HERE
I’ve never been one to read warning labels.
Mandy, on the other hand, reads every word of every label on every product she buys; coffee creamer, deodorant, cleaning products, etc.
It’s kind of annoying actually (I’m half joking.) But seriously, she’s diligent. She puts in the research.
She is the guardian of our home, protecting our family from harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients.
This is why our product was born.
Saturday I stood in the leather care aisle at my favorite shoe store. I studied the labels on every leather conditioner. I read the fine print:
“Potentially harmful or fatal if swallowed.”
“Keep out of reach of children.”
“Avoid contact with skin and eyes.”
Despite these serious warnings, many of the instructions were to “apply by hand.”
I shook my head, almost in disbelief.
Are we so charmed by shiny labels that boast “100% More Effective” that we overlook fine print that reads “Potentially Fatal.”
This post is about more than just leather balm.
I challenge you this week- study the labels on familiar products in your home.
Check the ingredients. Read the fine print.
What you discover may surprise you.
To see a full list of our ingredients, Click HERE
To read the story of how we got here, Click THIS
Last month I had the privilege of being interviewed by the kind gents across the pond at Clobbercalm Supply Co.
If you suffer from insomnia and you’re seeking an all natural sleep aid, read what I had to say here:
After completing the interview, I realized almost immediately that a discussion with Mrs. Smith would have been far more interesting for readers.
Of course I’m kidding. (Not really. I’m serious.)
This product was Mandy’s idea. It’s her recipe.
She is the one who hand measures, hand stirs and hand pours every single tin.
My only contribution is getting in the way and posting to Instagram.
I wish I could say that I’ve had complete confidence in her idea from the start.
But I haven’t.
When she first told me her idea- I laughed.
For ten years I’d been using the same oil based leather conditioner. Applying it by hand.
It worked great. Why stop?
“Because those chemicals are not safe and they’re getting into your body.” She said.
She’d already converted every cleaning agent in our home to something all natural. Apparently my leather conditioner was next.
“I can make something that works just as good, that’s safe on skin.” She said.
So she did.
When she told me the recipe- I laughed
“Cocoa Butter!? Cocoa butter is not for leather- it’s a moisturizer in women’s hand lotion” I scoffed (after I had Googled it.)
“Exactly!” she said. “If it’s good for rehydrating human skin- imagine how great it will work on leather.”
And she was right. As always.
I could use this blog entry as an opportunity to tell you what an amazing human she is- but she hates attention.
So, I won’t do that (wink-wink) But I will tell you that she is the strongest, kindest person I know.
She’s survived brain surgery, shoulder surgery and the natural birth of three children- all without a single complaint.
She likes butterflies, She’s deathly afraid of raw chicken and on the rarest occasions will devour an entire box of Swiss Rolls with her best friend.
I keep telling you we make this product by hand.
We do. Well, she does.
I thought you might enjoy learning more about the wonderful woman behind the balm.
To read the story of who we are and how we got here, Click HERE
Last November when we brought our product to market, I mailed samples to a few select Makers.
I addressed an envelope for Little King Goods in Ontario, Canada. I hesitated for a moment at the Post Office when I discovered the shipping cost would be $15.
I thought- Man, that’s expensive. But this guy’s work is amazing- I really want to see what he thinks of our balm.
So, I sent it.
Ryan called me as soon as he received the package. He spoke kindly and told me that he enjoyed using the balm.
Although we’d never met- there was a kindred spirit. We spoke at length as if old friends.
At Christmas time he sent me a journal that he’d made by hand. The level of detail in this journal was unlike anything I‘d ever seen.
The quality was such that I knew immediately- I’d be giving this journal to my children one day. It was heirloom quality- built by hand – made to last- forever.
I realized something when I looked over that journal- I’ve always been drawn to handmade goods. Mainly because I love the story behind them.
There’s a connection that comes from buying something handmade from a Maker instead of something made in a factory.
But the moment I held that journal I realized- handmade goods are better- and not just because they come with a story.
Handmade goods are better in every way. They’re hand measured, hand cut, built to higher standards. They’re skillfully crafted, scrutinized and built to last forever.
The story is just a bonus.
So, thanks for teaching me that lesson, Ryan.
Handmade goods are better, and yours are some of the finest I’ve ever seen.
I’m honored to have you as a Stockist- but even more proud to have you as a friend.
Just the Two of Us.
January 28, 2018
This week I had a conversation with a buyer from a nationally recognized brand.
He said to me:
“You’re not just some guy working out of your garage are you?”
He wasn’t trying to insult me.
But he did.
Rarely in my life have I been at a loss for words- but this time- I couldn’t think fast enough.
I was grasping for words but they weren’t coming.
“Yes, Sir…actually….yeah…we are.” I stuttered after a pause that seemed to last ten minutes.
It was uncomfortable. I was embarrassed.
The entire tone of our conversation shifted.
It wasn’t until after the phone call that I realized-
I don’t have anything to apologize for.
We’re not trying to mislead anyone or pretend to be something we’re not.
Vince from Truman Boot Company told me early on: “Humble beginnings are nothing to be ashamed of.”
His words have been a great encouragement to us since our launch 4 months ago.
So, if our online presence has led you to believe that we’re anything more than just a husband and wife team- working from our home- we’re not.
We do everything ourselves, by hand, in our home.
Just the two of us.
To learn more about who we are and how our company began, Click HERE
The world is not as big as you think.
January 22, 2018
When we launched our small company in November- I expected to learn a few lessons about business.
I have.
What I didn’t expect- was to learn so many valuable lessons about life in general.
This experience has been an incredible teacher.
So far, the primary lesson has been this: The world is not as big as you think.
I’ve lived in a small town my entire life. The world as I perceive it has always seemed so vast, so endless.
In the last 90 days I’ve met people I would have never encountered otherwise.
From our small home in Maine we’ve built friendships with people in Colorado, Utah, California, New York- even as far as Finland and Germany.
I’ve become close friends with a denim expert in Southern California, an Englishman in Oklahoma and several Makers in Canada- one of which I’m convinced might be my brother separated at birth.
This week I had the privilege of meeting Sascha at Vater & Sohn in Hamburg, Germany.
Germany seems so far from our little home in Maine, but as we chatted, the world seemed a much smaller place. I discovered immediately that we share many common interests and values. Our lives mirror one another so closely.
Through this experience I’ve learned there are people scattered across the world who share identical interests- people who hold to the same common values- a mutual appreciation for things that are made by hand.
My philosophy has always been to invest all of your time, love and energy into the few people who are closest to you.
I still think that’s a good principle. But don’t miss the opportunity to have your life enriched by the friendship that lies wait in a stranger- who you may find- isn’t strange at all.
To read the story of who we are and how we got here, Click HERE
Thank you American Craftsman – November 8, 2017
For many years we’ve made leather balm in our home for personal use.
When we decided to bring our product to market I began researching our target consumer.
What I found is remarkable.
I have been overwhelmed by the number of highly skilled American craftsmen I find hard at work.
You are resilient and strong. You demand the best of yourself and the products you trust in.
Your level of dedication and the pride you take in craftsmanship has inspired me.
You have rekindled my patriotism.
You have made me proud to be an American.